Nature is a Big Digesting Machine
It digests everything, constantly
And constantly, it creates
Finally, it keeps in existence only what it creates permanently
Through its robust mechanisms, it is capable of regenerating itself whatever the ecological crippling
If Humanity were to suddenly disappear, all of its technological and civilizational creations would be digested by Nature, including the most imposing, the most toxic, and the most crippling to Nature
In just a few millennia, all traces of our glorious omnipresence would have been erased from this world, Engulfed, Digested
In a few hundred thousand years, or perhaps millions of years, there would be no artifact left
If a Globalized Technological Civilization has ever existed on Earth (including: in the seas) millions of years ago - regardless of the species that produced it - the archaeological traces of its existence are extremely improbable
We would need to delve into the geology and chemistry of geological layers, knowing what type of imprint to look for, as well as mass extinctions of species and abnormal evolutionary leaps, to know if a large-scale artificial phenomenon has already taken place
Would there necessarily be unambiguous traces?