Sauromatum venosum - Voodoo Lily - Tuber
Sauromatum venosum - Voodoo Lily
1 Tuber caliber 11/12
Seasonal Product
Shipped from October to March
- Araceae Alismatales
- India to China, Himalayan area
- H 0.8m x L 0.6m
- Z8
- Perennial
- Synonyms : Typhonium venosum, Arum venosum, Arum cornutum, Arum guttatum
- 1 Tuber Caliber 11/12
Seasonal Product
Shipped from October to March
Sauromatum venosum is a superb Arum native to temperate and tropical Himalayan regions, where it grows in the undergrowth
Its tuber, which can reach a diameter of 9cm for the largest (28cm in circumference), produces an inflorescence before the foliage at the start of the season (April-May
The inflorescence has the typical characteristics of the Arum
It is relatively ephemeral (a few days), tall (up to 20cm without the stem), thin and slender, red-brown in color speckled with pale yellow inside the Spathe, solid red-brown to pink in color outside the exterior of the Spathe
It is a real ornamental curiosity
Moreover, another originality, it can appear on naked tubers, without the need to be planted in the ground, hence the name "Voodoo Bulb"
(place a large corm of flowering size on a saucer with a little water, and place it in the natural light of a window)
The Inflorescence contains a multitude of small flowers, hidden inside the Spathe, at the base of an erect stem
After flowering, large, very ornamental leaves appear, slightly glaucous green, smooth, deeply cut, with a diameter of up to 80cm, with a slightly drooping shape
They are supported by a robust light green petiole speckled with brownish spots, very decorative
Sauromatum venosum is grown mainly for its ornamental foliage, as an original and easy houseplant, or as a garden plant for shady and humid areas
Plant the tuber in March, in a wide, deep pot filled with houseplant potting soil
Water, place the pot in the light and wait
A good exposure is: Lots of light, no strong sunlight
The foliage generally grows from the end of April
Keep the soil always moist during the growing season : When Sauromatum venosum has developed all its foliage, it drinks a lot
We recommend placing the pot on a saucer always filled with water
At the end of September, the leaves turn yellow and dry when the plant enters winter rest
Stop watering and store the pot in a cool, dry place throughout the fall and winter, for example in a cellar
In the garden, the corms can remain in the ground in winter (hardy at -7°C)
Next March, remove the root ball from the pot, harvest and clean the tubers, and replant them in new potting soil
The largest tubers should be planted deeper, the smallest closer to the surface
If there are tubers of several sizes, it is best making several pots, 1 per size category
The largest tubers give the biggest and most beautiful leaves
This is a strong plant, very easy to grow, to have in your collection
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