Sedum album - White Stonecrop
4 unrooted cuttings
Sedum album is a small botanical succulent plant, with covering vegetation, which grows in walls, rocky scree, crevices in a rock, etc.
Its leaves look like small elongated pearls, bluish green, and often take on orange colors when White Stonecrop undergoes stress (drought, excessive sunlight, cold)
Flowering takes place in summer
The small starry white flowers are borne in corymbs on thin, often reddish stems, proportionally quite long (compared to the dimensions of the plant)
Sedum album adapts to all conditions of exposure and sunshine, but it will not grow in permanently arid rock gardens - it needs a humid period to develop well
White Stonecrop has some traditional uses
Its vegetation is edible and has been consumed raw or cooked, but more surely occasionally than as a regular diet (considering the biomass produced)
The crushed leaves were used to make softening and healing ointments
In the garden, it works wonders for decorating rockeries, borders without soil, old walls, and is one of the species used for greening roofs
Rooting the cuttings you will receive is very easy and natural
Choose the location where to install your White Stonecrop, such as a bed of gravel to set some vegetation in a border without soil, the crevice of a rock, an old wall, etc.
Poke the lower part of the stem into it without breaking them, so that the cutting is held and does not risk falling during the few days it will root
That's all
Plant without maintenance, without pests, without disease
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