Chenopodium quinoa var. Peppermint - Quinoa
1 Packet of 50 Seeds
Chenopodium quinoa is a pseudocereal cultivated on a large scale for its seed
Originating from the Peruvian Andes, Quinoa was domesticated by native tribes between -5000 and -3000, from an initial use as fodder crop
Chenopodium quinoa is an annual herbaceous plant 1 to 2m tall, closely resembling its cousin, the common weed Chenopodium album
Quinoa grows fast, forms tall vegetation, branched in a spindle, on a strong stem anchored to the ground by a strong root system
The leaf is alternate, murky green, pruinose, wide in the lower part of the plant and small at the top, often three-lobed, triangular, and measures up to 15cm long
The flower, tiny and without petals, sessile, is often hermaphrodite, sometimes female
The flowers are gathered by hundreds in more or less dense and variously colored panicles, depending on the variety
The Panicles measure 30 to 80cm long
Flowers mainly self-pollinate (90%)
They yield an achene (single seed), and each panicle can produce 1/2 kg of seeds
The Quinoa seed is small (2mm), highly nutritious, rich in proteins, essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and is gluten-free
There are many varieties of Quinoa, categorized into 5 "ecotypes" based on their origin
(low altitude coastal regions, arid valleys, subtropical zones, Altiplano desert, and high altitude mountainous areas)
The characteristics of the seed vary depending on the variety
(size, color, saponins concentration, etc.)
The variety Peppermint offered here is a Sweet Quinoa, which produces tall plants (1.8-2m), strong, vigorous, and resisting to shedding
Peppermint Quinoa is very productive, perfect for mountainous regions with short seasons (d2h 100-120 days)
It is currently the only variety that has succeeded on our farm after testing several unluckily
Its Panicles are dense, amaranth-shaped, first green, then ivory when ripe
They release an abundance of small, white seeds, which do not germinate on the plant during rainy periods
The seed is easily detached from the dried panicles after harvest, and requires few additional easy cleaning steps
Sow directly in place after the last frost, or earlier in the nursery for planting at the beginning of June
Clean, well-plowed, deep, leveled soil, sunny place, protected from strong winds
Sow on the surface, scratch and pack lightly
Structure your plot in rows spaced 60cm apart, not packing the plants less than 40cm apart in a row
Weed the seedlings until the Quinoa plants take off
Thereafter their exuberant growth will take care of itself
Harvest in late summer or early fall
Duration to Harvest ≈ 100-120 days
When the panicles change color and turn ivory, harvest time is closing
Monitor regularly when the seeds begin to fall off easily
Then cut the stems halfway up
Let them dry for a few days hanging upside down
Hit them in a large piece of cloth to extract the seeds
Then sift, rub, and vent the seeds to clean them
Finally, finish drying them perfectly in the sun before storing in airtight jars
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